If what good cardio does, is raise your max heart rate.

This is the burning sensation someone gets in their legs from the beep test. so that you can't run longer than you should ) before the acids (which are a byproduct of burning glycogen/etc for fuel instead of oxygen) cause your legs to seize/cramp up and stop running as fast as you want to. At this point, your muscles start to use other sources of fuel, and can only do this for max 30-45 seconds (this is why each level lasts about 62 seconds. if you are doing a sprint/jog interval for 40 minutes then yes it should be enough, however, what you need to keep in mind is how the beep test measures your VO2 max.īasically, the beep test slowly speeds up your heart rate, to find out the point where your heart can no longer deliver enough oxygen to your muscles.

and the 1.5 mile is another way for testing your V02 fitness results. I mean unless your a top noch athlete you dont really need to be wasting your money on expensive equitment to pin point your V02. it stilll gives you a close enough reading to see where your at. Just the same as calcualting you body fat without using those expensive machines. but theirs sites on the internet that you put in your results. It not the most accurate way to get your V02 max. 9.5 is not going to help get me selected for csor. I just have to find a wat to overcome that beep test. I just did the 1.5mile at the base gym aswel. and i measure 65 ft "20 meters" I mark it and i run it.

so i goto the base gym and i got their measuring tape. and i train only a certain amount of time after my meals.